Louis Hartz And The Liberal Metaphor

according to political scientist louis hartz, the united states

Of course, Sanders’ campaign could well be just another progressive meteor that burns out. “In some sense the tragedy of these movements,” Hartz writes, “has lain in the imperfect knowledge they have had of the enemy they face.” That enemy, of course, is their own unconscious liberalism, a liberalism that they don’t recognize. The American Dream may still be alive in our collective imagination, but even those who don’t know the statistical data realize that social mobility is even lower in America than in less inegalitarian nations — and their post-feudal societies put less burden on individuals to succeed. We borrow and spend on an ever mushrooming array of goods, advertised every time we turn on a tablet, as necessary to be dignified members of the community. B. Under communism, the government assumes total management of the economy, whereas under socialism, the government does not try to manage the overall economy. Involves the careful gathering and sifting of information in the process of forming a knowledgeable view about a political issue. D. Despite having a much higher rate of colleges and universities per capita than European countries; the U.S. has a lower rate of college graduation per capita.

according to political scientist louis hartz, the united states

These federal bureaucrats are responsible for the “multiple-use management” of nearly 200 million acres of public lands. In sum, Pinchot practiced Progressive politics, high and low, as a vote-seeking vocation. If anything, Pinchot’s sixteen successors as chief, including the nine who served after 1970 right down to the present director, Thomas L. Tidwell, a thirty-seven-year veteran of the agency who started out as a district ranger, were closer to being professional, nonpartisan public administrators than Pinchot ever was.

Swedes tend to be less mistrustful of government leaders than Americans, who may have been affected by the Watergate Scandal of the 1970s and the impeachment of President William Clinton in the late 1990s. Now, let’s take a brief look at the political cultures of two other countries. The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera America’s editorial policy. Many more GOP Senate seats will be vulnerable in 2016 than the number of Democratic seats that were at risk this year.

The federal bureaucracy is more nearly the solution than the problem. In Bring Back the Bureaucrats, I crudely calculated that we need about one million more full-time federal workers by 2035 in order to serve the public, stop draining its purse, start improving performance, and create an actual system of national public administration. America’s post-1970 big government is actually cash flow a big intergovernment by proxy. The World Bank financial data that Fukuyama cites measures only the national government’s taxing and spending in relation to gross domestic product. All told, federal, state, and local government tax revenues are equivalent to about a third of GDP, while combined government spending has in recent years hovered around 40 percent of GDP .

Reviews In American History

Doesn’t this mean Trump can be safely classified as yet another in a long line of right-liberals? If this were the case, professors might go back to business as usual when teaching about American political thought. By 1986, when Degler income summary rose from his chair to deliver his address before the American Historical Association, a lot of historians in the United States had begun advocating a kind of historical cosmopolitanism, writing global rather than national history.

The latter remains probably the most significant interpretation of the American experience written since World War II. Hartz’s analysis is outstanding among the consensus writings for three reasons. Trump’s effect on writing a syllabus has been to make this political controversy even more poignant.

A New Americanism

Concepts related to liberty, nationalism, and reliance on a legislative body, instead of an individual ruler, are also unique to our political culture. The historical origins of our political culture can be traced to the American Revolution and the desire for liberty as well as our Puritan roots. The term ‘political culture’ is used in the field of social science. It refers to historically-based, widely-shared beliefs, feelings, and values about the nature of political systems, which can serve as a link between citizens and government. Finally, Huyler’s attempt to prove his broader arguments sometimes leads him to questionable historical conclusions. In failing to note that the Confederation government’s inability to enact such a tariff, in the form of the impost, greatly influenced the calls for stronger government that culminated in the Constitution, Huyler exaggerates the shift in American economic thinking.

American society has been distinguished by an unusual degree of consensus. It has also been characterized by an unusual amount of social and economic change.

However prescient “The Liberal Tradition in America” may have been, it has not lacked for critics. If the South was given over to fantasy, the political scientist Rogers Smith has written, why was the Civil War necessary, and how did Reconstruction defeat cash flow the dream of racial equality for so long? Political philosophers have devoted themselves to discovering a republican tradition that emphasizes the common good over individual rights to counter Hartz’s claim that there was nothing outside of liberalism.

Nonetheless, Clinton sought to reclaim his precious powers by finding a new “enemy” in Congress itself–no matter which party controlled it. Presidential polltaker Stanley B. Greenberg found that respondents were not measuring Clinton by his management of foreign affairs or how he played the commander-in-chief role, but whether or not he could tame Congress.

according to political scientist louis hartz, the united states

In addition, the picture of society and hence of politics is, by and large, a static one. The progressive interpretation does hold open the possibility of the eventual victory of the popular party, but even with it and to a much greater extent with the consensus and pluralist schools, there is little provision for change. How will American society and politics in the future differ from what they have been in the past? At best, consensualists, progressives, and pluralists all suggest more of the same. Louis Hartz (1919–1986), an American political scientist, had a major influence on how scholars of the 1950s and 1960s viewed American political culture. Born in Youngstown, Ohio, on April 7, 1919, Hartz was the third son of Russian Jewish immigrants.

Hartz, Louis

The 1980s found relatively little change in public attitudes toward communism–despite the increased signs of political and economic disintegration within the Soviet Union. “The Liberal Tradition,” Hartz concedes, is a breathtaking reduction of American history to one factor.

  • It’s just that their nationalism was what would now be termed “illiberal” or “ethnic,” as opposed to the Northerners’ liberal or civic nationalism.
  • Another related problem concerns the representativeness of the sources Huyler chooses to examine.
  • But in reality, the 1990s represent a caesura as one era closes and another opens.
  • America’s dilemma is not that its central government is too powerful, says Fukuyama, but that it has grown too weak.
  • Optimists might hope that Trump’s demise will come about when his supporters are reminded of the merits of tolerant liberalism, the best of America’s political traditions.
  • Read Online Free Read Online relies on page scans, which are not currently available to screen readers.

At first, the circle of participants in American democracy was limited to just a select group of property-owning Anglo-Saxon men. Gradually, the franchise expanded to include more and more groups of people—poorer whites, women, people of color and so forth. What is more, liberalism has never been a truly universal creed in America. Instead, the fruits of enlightened liberalism have only been enjoyed by some groups of people and at some times. But any serious student of U.S. history knows that the Hartzian narrative is not much better than Whiggish whitewash.


Huyler’s book benefits from the author’s strong sense of purpose and his ability to keep his work tightly focused on the issues he wishes to explore. For example, Huyler forgos the question of Locke’s direct influence on American thought in favor of an investigation into the Lockean character of early American society. He acknowledges that some readers, particularly historians, will be disappointed with his decision, but he realizes that the discussion of influence could bog down his work in another fiercely contested academic debate. Instead, Huyler sketches a provocative interpretation of Locke’s philosophy and then applies this model to the American scene. Huyler’s methodical, well-argued account of British and American politics compares favorably with many other works of this genre that fail to tie their theoretical arguments to the actual historical events of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

Nobody Here But Us Liberals

If you enjoyed this article, consider making a donation to help us produce more like it. The Washington Monthly was founded in 1969 to tell the stories of how government really works —and how to make it work better. More than fifty years later, the need for incisive analysis and new, progressive policy ideas is clearer than ever. There are many steps on the path to reversing America’s political decay by proxy. We need to reinvent federal grants-in-aid to the states, drain the federal for-profit contracting swamps, and wring more public value from grants to nonprofits.

The Harvard political scientist Louis Hartz famously argued in 1955 that, despite our family quarrels, we Americans are all liberals. Liberal, in this classic sense, means we believe government exists to protect individuals’ life, liberty, and property — euphemistically “happiness” in the Declaration of Independence. Uniquely among Western nations, Americans lack a proper conservative tradition stretching back to a feudal past, and because of that lack — strange as the logic may initially sound — we also lack a serious socialist tradition looking forward to a transformative future. The Clinton presidency inspired in me a real curiosity for US politics and history. Then I chose American studies as a major at Sciences Po, further deepening my interest and affection for the country. When I later started working in the tech industry, my broad knowledge of the US helped me a great deal in deciphering the history of Silicon Valley, the spirit of the frontier, the strength of the US legal system as regards innovation, and the unique and inspiring American entrepreneurial culture.

His surge of support from “less affluent” whites, earning less than $50,000 — a group that has not recently supported progressive politics — suggests we may even be thinking more in class terms. And this at a moment when the Eurozone, home of conservatism and socialism, keeps forcing debtor nations to erode unions and welfare.

Edmund Morgan’s assertion in American Slavery, American Freedom that the freedom of white Virginia society directly rested on its slave system, for example, should be addressed by Huyler. We used to say that American politics was played within the 40-yard lines, and it was largely true. Within those hash marks was the “liberal consensus” according to political scientist louis hartz, the united states written about by the noted social scientist Louis Hartz, whose work influenced a generation. By liberal, of course, he and the many he inspired meant what we call today “classical liberalism”—i.e., a respect for individual freedom, private property, consent of the governed, self-preservation, and equality under the law.

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